If a child says they wouldn't want God to exist, it's likely a sign that either 1) they have a misunderstanding of who God is (and wouldn't want that God to exist), or 2) are engaged in behaviors they know aren't godly and would rather live according to their own will. He lives in our hearts - not at the North Pole. He also revealed that he had recently received a letter from a mum who felt like "the Grinch" for telling her five-year-old son that [Rudolph isn't his favourite reindeer] when she was put on the . This can be a very hard time for kids and for parents, too. Letter from Santa to Older Child who Might Not Believe. Even people who don't believe in Santa agree that he is the greatest gift-giver they've heard about. Is Santa Real or Fake? Proof Santa Exists And Is True in 2021 Elf on the Shelf Break-Up Letter Leaving a few candy canes along with the letter couldn't hurt and will serve as a convenient distraction as well as something to put into their mouths so they can . The Truth About Santa: How And When To Tell Your Children ... Even Slotterback isn't certain how she'll break the news to her 10-year-old son (they watch the NORAD Santa tracker on Christmas Eve). The author's main points were: - Together with your spouse, come up with a plan before the child starts asking about Santa. One mum has shared a magical way to tell your kids Santa ... "I tell them how Santa can fold his body up . That's not always easy, of course. Two facts that find themselves perennially at odds during the holiday season are that (1) Santa Claus isn't real, and (2) little kids love to announce when something is wrong or a lie (try . If they ask you if Santa is real, you then have a natural chance to explain what Santa is really all about. Santa Claus was born almost 2,000 years ago, only a few hundred years after Jesus. This piece was written by the very talented Martha Brokenbrough who has given Family Friendly HQ permission to publish. When to tell the truth about Santa | Autism PDD It's pretty brilliant all while keeping the spirit of Santa alive and tangible for children, even if the jolly old elf himself isn't real. But not in the way you'd know yet. These things can include their giving spirit, their generosity, their thoughtfulness, their kindness, and more. ), or cartoon character, or the people in their favorite electronic game, Santa Claus is not real. How to Tell Your Kids About Santa: The Ultimate Guide ... This is a great way to talk to your kids about Santa. When you click on the templates you'll be able to see the letter template below to help you choose which one you want to give to your child. Tell them he is a make-believe individual created by some humans for the enjoyment of others like themselves. Go talk to the Mall Santa. Your kids will still get gifts. 3 Ways to Write a Letter from Santa - wikiHow Every holiday season for the last three years, my nine-year-old son Justin has asked me straight out if there . How it's done doesn't matter, but we will talk about that in a minute. If your instinct is to tell your child, "Yes, the bunny is real . Telling children about Santa Claus - Bible Study 6. Tell your kids the truth: Santa is real - New York Post Open Letter To My Kids About Santa Claus | wellthereyougo As adults we know Santa Claus isn't real, but many of us remember the disappointing day we discovered this was the case. We asked five experts from various fields if you should lie to your . 157k followers. No, especially with their children … 2. ).The kids often leave letters for the elves in the envelope. Free to download and print. Santa Claus is bigger than just a story of a man who goes around giving gifts. Redeeming Santa Claus: Rather than attack the person of Santa (which non-Christians will not understand), a better option is to redeem him. What he does is teach children to believe in something they can't see or touch. Use the "Santa is over 300-years old" excuse. Deciding how to tell kids about Santa — not to mention what to tell them — can be a surprisingly tough decision. Sneakily explain to him your dilemma first and ask him to suggest plan B. As we all know, it can be a very touchy subject. Last year my Santa believer came to me crying and said that his brother told him that Santa wasn't real. On the one hand, you never want your kid to feel like they can't trust you. A kid who shrugs and says, "I've known Santa isn't real for two years," on the other hand, is probably better prepared to take the hit. Free to download and print. The facts. The last time you pick your child up, the last time they sleep in your bed, the last time you buy a toy for your child. Santa is Real Letter - This is a wonderful letter for parents to give to their children (when they start wondering about Santa) that explains Santa actually is real! But there isn't a gift-giver better than Santa. For young children, they think very matter-of-factly. But if you can imagine Santa is the greatest gift-giver, then he must be real. I told him to hold on and went to talk to his brother. In our house we imagine and play pretend often so it was easy for him to understand. She told us about it, but didn't 100% believe him. After much thought, she put pen to paper. Throughout your life you will need this capacity to believe: in yourself, in . "It really is a judgment call," Gross says. If a child admits that they wouldn't want God to exist, the most . It's unavoidable. Don't fuel your kids' Santa obsession - Chances are that early on in your child's life, by the age of 2 or 3, they are going to start an obsession with Santa. ), or cartoon character, or the people in their favorite electronic game, Santa Claus is not real. How to Tell Your Kids About Santa. The sad truth is Santa has replaced Jesus in the hearts and minds of too many children and adults today. The other kids who've been telling you that Santa is "just your parents" are very wrong. Don't let your favorite autistic beat themselves up over it, because they'll think they ruined Christmas for that person forever. The fun of Santa is playing the "Santa game": writing a letter to Santa, leaving out cookies and milk, having the gifts appear magically overnight! "It really is a judgment call," Gross says. The child's mission is to secretly, deviously, find out something that the person needs, and then provide it, wrap it, deliver it… and never reveal to the target where it came from. and have all the magic of Christmas without lying to your kids. - gauge your child's mood. - talk to your child out of earshot of younger siblings and warn him not to spill the beans. I believe a child should continue being a child for as long as they want. Text yourself a response from Santa or send an email or Facebook message. Maybe they've thought of the logistics and can't quite figure out how . More information. My daughters are eight, nine and ten-years-old (yes - very close, no - not on purpose). Santa is the magic and love and spirit of giving to others. "Quite often their reaction isn't anywhere near as severe as we think it's going to be," he says. You lead them to discuss the best parts of being Santa and then, help them become one themselves. They haven't. Even though your family can't talk to your elf directly while they are at the North Pole, you can keep in touch and let . A lot of children think that, because they aren't ready to BE a Santa yet, but YOU ARE.". . Lie through your teeth: If your kids are still young enough to buy it, tell them Santa is real, says Margot Magowan in the San Francisco Chronicle. Sponsor this series: http://www.cut.com/sponsorship» SUBSCRIBE: http://bit.ly/CutSubscribeWatch More Parents Explain: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=P. The child's mission is to secretly, deviously, find out something that the person needs, and then provide it, wrap it, deliver it - and never reveal to the target where it came from. "Mum or Dad get the Easter eggs and Christmas presents, but we do it because it makes you happy," she says. The background of this is the fact that st. Nicholaus hears the prayers . More information. Her daughter, Lucy, wrote a note—all in capitals for emphasis of course—reading, "I NEED TO KNOW, ARE YOU SANTA? So, if mom doesn't want the DS for whatever reason, she tells Santa "no thank you". "I guess I plan on telling him that, at one time, Santa . One of the young women at our table recounted that when she was eight years old a couple of her friends broke the "code of silence" and told her that Santa wasn't real. Well, yes, I say, Santa is quite real. It is truthful to tell your children there was a real person named Nicolas who lived a long time ago. She's in 3rd grade, and she still believes in fairies. When Santa Stops Being Real. But there are some childhood myths that are too magical to pass up, like Santa Claus or even the Tooth Fairy… until your kid spies you . A great letter to give to a disappointed child on Christmas morning, this free Santa printable offers consolation before reminding the child of the true meaning of Christmas. The age most kids raise an eyebrow There isn't a right or wrong age to tell kids the truth. "I've never told my kids - my eldest is 12 and he found out through . When your child asks you if Santa is real, every parent probably has a different answer. As an author of both adult and children . At this age, many kids already know the truth, and you would want your child to hear it from you, not some random kid on the playground or at school. I want to tell you exactly who the REAL Santa Claus is. He wasn't ready. Santa is Real Letter - This is a wonderful letter for parents to give to their children (when they start wondering about Santa) that explains Santa actually is real! In an interview with Fatherly, psychologist and parenting expert, Dr. Justin Coulson made it very clear that he believes in telling your kids the truth. Rodrigue suggests that children, on learning the truth, be enlisted to keep the secret from others, "It is also helpful to tell your child that now he/she knows there is no Santa Claus (or Easter Bunny or Tooth Fairy) you need their help to keep this special secret so their younger siblings or cousins can enjoy the magic of believing. Most psychologists suggest that children need to know they can trust their parents to tell them the truth, even about things like this. They are gathering all the facts, and now they have some questions. Right now, I want to tell you the truth. (my oldest is 13, youngest is 5) Also, we always give bigger gifts like that from Mom and Dad, not Santa. This thoughtfully compiled letter was put together after her son Ryan asked this very question. Share. One suggestion that has made the holiday internet rounds in recent years takes it a step further: Get your kids in on the action, too. It was . Let your children in on a special secret. Santa Letter Child Didn't Get Desired Present. Lastly, if your kid knows the truth and forgets that he's supposed to not tell, and ruins it for another kid or the class—the other kids will get over it. I tell them that Santa won't get the kids anything that mom and dad don't agree to. At this age, you'll want to use your judgment as to their true intent behind the questions. Last year my Santa believer came to me crying and said that his brother told him that Santa wasn't real. Telling your 10 year-old son the truth about Santa Claus won't take away from them getting presents. A Letter to Kids: Santa is Real There comes a time in every child's life where they start to hear their friends saying that Santa isn't real. When your child starts guessing the truth about St. Nick. Then have the child choose someone they know… a neighbour, usually. Parents are in such a rush, and one day the crushing reality will be you will be in a clean quiet home and your children will be grown and away. They always tell us when they leave notes, well, almost always. It seemed to me that when children ask if Santa is real, it is a time when they are starting to decide for themselves what the truth is. 157k followers. Answer (1 of 11): Both are absolutely real, except that the folklore adopted the figure of a real saint - Saint Nicholaus (in eastern tradition - st. Basilius) and made it rather a folklore character then a Christian Saint. But on the other hand, you don't want to be responsible for ruining the most wonderful day of the year. Remember, when you tell your kid there is no Santa, your kid will run to school to tell another kid. Otherwise, there would be an even more famous gift-giver that everyone knows about. Tell them he is a make-believe individual created by some humans for the enjoyment of others like themselves. However, if they have skipped the questioning phase entirely and are telling you Santa is fictitious—say, if some friends at school they trust have let the reindeer out the bag—you're going to want to respond with honesty. Told him it's mostly for the little kids and makes the holiday fun." ― Anne Tink Flores Santa Claus was St. Nicholas, a real saint, in the historical sense, whose generosity to the . "I knew the elves weren't real!! If your child *really* wants to know, or asks repeatedly, then tell the truth. Yes, they will know in time, but why not let them hold onto childhood just a little bit longer. And I hate to break it to you, but your kid isn't going to break the news in a gentle . I tried to patiently explain to kid #2 about how it isn't nice to tell other kids that and that his brother wants to believe, etc. But I know you want to believe for yourself, and for that little sister and brother you've got. When a child demands, "I know Santa isn't real," don't attempt to keep the charade going. The letter will be also be published by Scholastic. They believe in the Easter Bunny, Santa, the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow and magic. You can still play the "Santa game" (I did and I still do!) Some kids are ready for the truth at this age; others are not. But something else interesting came out of the discussion: some parents never actually tell their children Santa isn't real. "When a child starts asking if Santa Claus is real, most parents I know — myself included — either say 'of course,' or redirect the question to not quite answer it," says Emily Edlynn, Ph.D . "If you get a feeling as a parent that it would do a disservice to your child to answer truthfully, you may want to redirect them." Let the child lead When is it the right time to tell children that the Tooth Fairy is about as real as talking pigs and Prince Charming? And I couldn't take that away from him, at least not yet. She didn't really want to know that Santa was not real, but she didn't want to be the only one of her friends who believed. Let me start by saying my husband teared up at the thought of telling our oldest that there isn't a Santa. It's unselfish giving. It is important to start the conversation by acknowledging that this is a special conversation that your child has demonstrated that they are ready for through beautiful aspects of who they are. I have a letter to prove it. You could tell your child that the truth comes along with a promise, to not "ruin anybody else's fun" by telling other kids that santa isn't real, but can a 5-year old kid really be trusted with that? I love you and I always will. Buy for $174 at Verishop. That's what one person suggested . Just print out the following letter on Thanksgiving night or shortly thereafter and leave a copy on the breakfast table for your children to find. And they all still believe. At that point, your kids will naturally find out on their own that Santa isn't real…at least in the form of the guy who brings presents down the chimney. He lived in Turkey. Santa is love and magic and hope and happiness. We had a whole speech planned but when we said we needed to talk to her about Christmas she said "if you're going to tell.me Santa isn't real I already know and have for ages!" 5. This letter tells how each and every one of us . It's unselfish giving.' As a parent, you always try to tell your child the truth. But letting your judgment be clouded by wanting your little one to stay, well, little, can get in the way of the bigger picture. As older children begin to question things, and friends in school reveal presumed facts that their older siblings tell them, kids will get wise to the fact that Santa isn't real. t's the question that every parent dreads in the lead-up to Christmas. TELL ME THE TRUTH.". I wrote this poem for my children, ages 8 and 11, as a way to gently break the news to them. This letter tells how each and every one of us . Or, download the editable version for just $5 Either way, you can print this letter from Santa in just moments. Design Dazzle. 'Being a Santa isn't about getting credit, you see. Design Dazzle. We may feel we are crushing a belief that our child . Someone else may tell them. "While there isn't a physical Santa Claus, we can live and embody kindness and generosity," says Dr. Lamminen. !" We've been into the Elf on the Shelf for a while, in fact, we have two: a childhood friend bought my kids a life-size elf that hangs on the wall and holds a giant envelope (his name is Eddie just like one of our elves. Luckily, there are several easy ways to get in touch with the North Pole if your child is missing their Scout Elf. This is a great way to talk to your kids about Santa. "Christmas is going to be exciting and fun and enjoyable whether kids know the truth about Santa or not. While the older children know Santa isn't real, Jones' youngest son is eight, and he still believes in Santa. Being a Santa isn't about getting credit, you see. I know most of your friends no longer believe in me. Dear Child, I know you're going through a time right now when you're not sure if I am real or not. There is or there is not. I tried to patiently explain to kid #2 about how it isn't nice to tell other kids that and that his brother wants to believe, etc. If they ask you if he's real, don't say that he is. "Families can give . This is the time to start helping children put the pieces together. Mama. Let's say you decided, when your child was one or two, to tell him or her the Santa Claus story: The chimney, the North Pole . In other words, when your kids ask if Santa, the tooth fairy and the Easter bunny are real, you should tell them the truth. Choose to address the Santa issue based on your values, beliefs, and your child's needs. Check out her website . When children start to question whether Santa Claus is real, this letter can help reassure them, or at least keep them from telling their siblings. Use technology to your advantage. 4. I'm on his team, and now you are, too. I have a letter to prove it. A kid who shrugs and says, "I've known Santa isn't real for two years," on the other hand, is probably better prepared to take the hit. Then, send the letter to the following address: North Pole Holiday Postmark, Postmaster, 4141 Postmark Dr, Anchorage, AK, 99530-9998. And they process things differently than adults. When the child isn't looking, write Santa's response on the back of the letter. So Santa must be real! Thing is, Hutchinson's approach takes some serious . There are twelve different templates to choose from! How to encourage the child who doesn't believe in Santa. If you have multiple children, the subject of Santa can get touchy, especially with their youngest ones. When Your Child Doesn't Believe in Santa …How to keep the belief alive and how to tell your child Santa doesn't exist. Some have magical tales, while others are very blunt with their children. He was devastated. Rachel recommends explaining that people pretend the Easter Bunny and the like are real because it makes children happy. I told him Santa is someone people like to believe in for fun, like the Easter Bunny and Harry Potter. Report Save. 'Then have the child choose someone they know - a neighbour, usually. Explain to your children that just like their favorite Disney character (Cinderella, Tinkerbell, etc. It's worked for me so far! First, have the child write a letter to Santa. Santa is lots of and lots of people who keep the spirit of Christmas alive. Visit Free Santa Letters and check the box if you'd like to compose the entire letter yourself or select a letter template from the drop-down menu. The magical way to tell your kids the truth about Santa. Believing in Santa and other holiday myths . Or, download the editable version for just $5 Either way, you can print this letter from Santa . "My oldest is 9 and asked me this year if Santa was real. He was devastated. I told him to hold on and went to talk to his brother. Have the child address it to Santa Claus, North Pole. Letter for when kids stop believing in Santa - Google Docs. Tell kids he doesn't always remember your requests, but he will do his best. 3. Especially if a child is younger than 8 or 9, it's important to point out that they can't understand the difference between saying "Santa isn't real . Basically, at some point, just eating the cookies that your kids leave out and signing a few gifts "Love, Santa," isn't going to be enough. You can focus on the spirit of generosity around the holidays and ways that your child can help be part of that spirit, too. 6.) . Now that Santa's Scout Elves have returned to the North Pole, your kids may be wondering how they can still get a message to your family's friendly helper. Think On Your Feet Two years ago, a boy in my daughter's 3rd grade class told her that Santa isn't real, it's the parents, and to watch for more packages than usual being delivered leading up to Christmas. Pretending Santa is real could lead to embarrassment for your child. The idea is to let the child in on the secret of "being" Santa. My oldest hadn't said anything about it so when she was due to go to high school we thought we needed to tell her. Martha Brockenbrough has blessed us with a beautiful letter that she wrote to her daughter in 2009 regarding the truth behind the North Pole-dwelling gift giver. "If you get a feeling as a parent that it would do a disservice to your child to answer truthfully, you may want to redirect them." Let the child lead Explain to your children that just like their favorite Disney character (Cinderella, Tinkerbell, etc. Today we are sharing the viral Is Santa Real Letter from Mom. The Sweetest Way to Tell Your Kids the Truth About Santa December 20, 2017 by Sharon Silver Santa is everywhere you look during the holiday season, and that can be confusing for children. You may decide to tell your child about the origins of Santa and the story of St. Nicholas. But, knowing what to say can be hard… 8- to 9-Year-Olds. "We then have the child choose someone they know-a neighbor, usually. An 8- or 9-year-old may really be asking if it's still OK for them to pretend that there is a Santa so they don't miss out on anything. And it may teach your kids to be more generous at the same time. She struggles with feeling friendless at school and the girls she . 7.)
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